MPMA Latest News

Meet our newest team member, Meaghan Ziemba!

Written by Meaghan Ziemba | Feb 27, 2024 2:00:00 PM

Hello, Ya’ll,

My name is Meaghan Ziemba, and I am so excited to join the Minnesota Precision Manufacturing Association (MPMA) as its new Sales and Membership Associate.

A little bit about me: I was born in Upstate New York and grew up in Southern Wisconsin (Go Bills!). I started my college adventure at the University of Minnesota in the Twin Cities but had to switch schools after my second year when I found out I was pregnant. I received my B.A. and M.A. in Professional and Technical Writing from the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee. I started writing for manufacturing in 2008 at a trade publication in Madison, Wisconsin.

Professionally, I am an industrial technical writer, brand storyteller, and marketer for manufacturers—part-time, I report for MTDCNC at trade shows and different manufacturing facilities around North America.

I also host a live video broadcast series called Mavens of Manufacturing. The series focuses on women in the sector. My mission with Mavens is to attract younger generations to join manufacturing and engineering career pathways to help close the skills and gender gaps.

When I am not writing, hosting Mavens, or speaking at public events, I have three children who keep me on my toes. My daughter, Annabelle, is 20 years old and studying to be a nurse at Eau Claire in Wisconsin. My two boys, Deagan and Rónán, are six and four years old and love to create things and play different sports. They recently got diagnosed with asthma, so it’s been an educational experience for me to get used to their daily treatment plan.

So why MPMA?

Joining the MPMA team was a natural progression in my mission. I strongly advocate for U.S. manufacturing, and I don’t believe we will achieve greatness unless we all put our boots to the ground and do the work needed to strengthen this wonderful sector. Working with the MPMA will allow me to learn more about the Minnesota manufacturing scene and connect with businesses dedicated to solving the challenges we face as an industry.

Some critical aspects of my advocacy revolve around diversifying the sector and empowering women in manufacturing, engineering, and the skilled trades. Women bring unique insights and skills that are invaluable to the sector. Yet, we remain at 30% representation. I am passionate about creating a platform for women and underrepresented groups to be heard and celebrated.  

I am committed to fostering an environment where everyone, regardless of background or gender, can thrive in engineering and manufacturing careers. I firmly believe that can be achieved through collaboration, mentorship, and advocacy, so I am excited to join the MPMA team to break down barriers and strengthen U.S. manufacturing.

Thank you for being so supportive on this journey, and I look forward to hearing your stories and learning more about your contributions to Minnesota manufacturing


Meaghan Ziemba