MPMA Latest News

5 Students Earn MPMA Education Foundation Scholarships

Written by MPMA | Oct 25, 2021 6:49:00 PM

The Minnesota Precision Manufacturing Association’s (MPMA) Education Foundation has awarded five $2,000 scholarships to local students who plan to pursue careers in manufacturing. The students include:

Maxwell is enrolled at Alexandria Technical and Community College and is majoring in Machine Tool Technology. He was first inspired to join the manufacturing industry by his grandfather, who was a welder. He plans to continue working with Mold-Tech with his degree and become a full-time machinist. Last semester, he received a 4.0 GPA and made the Dean's list.

Mason is enrolled at Alexandria Technical and Community College and is majoring in machine tool technology. He is a 2021 graduate of Bold High School, where he was involved in football, golf, and art. When he graduates, he plans to be a machinist at his dad's shop, Kruse Machining. 

Heidi is enrolled at Hennepin Technical College seeking a two-year degree in CNC Machining and a certificate in Quality Assurance. On top of her schooling, she's working full-time as a machine operator at Minnesota Waterjet Inc. She'd like to use her quality assurance certificate to gain employment in a CMM inspection lab and learn to run a CMM machine, as well as learn CMM programming. Fun fact about Heidi: she attended the University of Alaska!

Emily is enrolled at Dunwoody College of Technology and experienced welding for the first time at a Boy Scouts National Jamboree. A 2021 graduate of Orono High School, Emily participated in Unified Special Olympics and art club. Emily has her welding certificate and is working on finishing the metal fabrication portion of the WMET program. A fun fact about Emily: she has four cats, two dogs, and two snakes!  

Collin is pursuing a degree in CNC machining at Minneapolis Community and Technical College. When he gets his degree, he plans to become a machinist and programmer. Eventually, he'd like to own his own shop. Currently, Collin cuts and prepares stock for other machinists at Maxcam Corporation. Collin is a 2021 graduate of Saint Francis High School. 


The Foundation was formed to address the shortage of people entering the manufacturing field by supporting students, school technical programs, and educational institutions. The Foundation:

Awards scholarships to help motivated students with an interest in manufacturing get the training they need to become successful in the field.
Coordinates community and industry support to launch technical education programs, one high school at a time, at a fast pace.