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For 70 years, the Minnesota Precision Manufacturing Association has been a source of information, education, and support. Our mission is to drive success in Minnesota precision manufacturing by strengthening the skilled workforce. 

Join the MPMA to get connected with peers in your industry and to engage in educating the next generation of manufacturing workers.

The MPMA offers our members benefits in 5 key areas: Workforce Development Support, Legislative Representation, Community Groups, Networking & Personal Development and Market Exposure.

Workforce Development Support

The MPMA is a leader in manufacturing workforce development in Minnesota. We are impacting the image and future of manufacturing through the following initiatives:
Workforce Training Programs

Developing workforce training programs that combine traditional machine tool technology training, and self-driven training through an employer-structured apprenticeship. MPMA is partnering with state grant programs to provide our members with training at little to no cost.

Partnership with State Programs

We connect our members to state and local community programs to attract and train people for technical careers. We identify groups to increase and diversify our state labor pool.

High School Technical Programs

We support high school programs using a multi-faceted approach by working with instructors, school administrators, other successful schools, local industry, and legislative leaders.


Legislative Representation

At the state Capitol, MPMA advances legislation that impacts our industry. We spearheaded the legislation that created the Youth Skills Training Program in 2017, and we continually work to strengthen Minnesota's skilled workforce and the manufacturing economy by working directly with legislators, state agencies and the MN Chamber of Commerce.

Community Groups

Members get exclusive access to a Community Group platform that provides an online community to members to exchange resources with each other.


Networking & Personal Development

Leadership Councils

MPMA's Leadership Councils meet monthly to discuss challenges faced as leaders. Leadership Councils are an additional expense for an interactive peer group.


MPMA hosts events throughout the year, including: Golden Gloves Boxing, Open Golf, Shoot for Scholarships, facility tours, and educational programs.

Membership Committees

Committees are a volunteer activity to support our three pillars (gov relations, career pathways, and skilled training), plus communications and membership.

Additional Benefits

In addition to the above, your membership also includes the following:

Ready to Join?