Training - Equity Innovation Center of Excellence
Event Information
Date: October 8 - October 30
Time: 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Categories: Education & Employee Development , Event , Training
Email Address:
Event Location:
The first 3 sessions are virtual and the last session is in-person.
Additional Information: Please see the specific dates and times of the sessions in the main section of this event page.
MPMA and the YMCA Equity Innovation Center of Excellence present, Belonging in the Workplace
We hope you'll join us for three virtual sessions and one in-person session on belonging in the workplace. The courses will deepen your understanding of self and others, provide an opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations and identify strategies to support a healthy workplace environment.
This workshop has 4 segments. The first three are virtual sessions and the fourth is in-person. You can select to participate on Tuesdays or Wednesdays.
10/8 or 10/9: SESSION 1 (1-hour virtual @8:30am)
Workplace Culture and Cultural Agility
10/15 or 10/16: SESSION 2 (1-hour virtual @8:30am)
Mental Models and Biases
10/22 or 10/23: SESSION 3 (1-hour virtual @8:30am)
Mental Models and Biases continued
10/29 or 10/30 SESSION 4 (4-hours in person @9am)
Equity Innovation Experience
The multi-station experience serves as a catalyst to engage the mind on equity, diversity, inclusion, and global realities. A variety of learning styles provide opportunities for personal transformation where participants experience life from another’s point of view.
To register, click HERE or email
*You can choose either Tuesday 10/8 which will register you for all sessions on Tuesdays, or Wednesday 10/9 which will register you for all Wednesday sessions.
At MPMA we are committed to connecting you with valuable information, resources, and insight to help you navigate our ever-changing society and community to give your organization a competitive edge in not only hiring top quality employees, but creating workplace cultures that retains them. We are excited to offer you this exciting opportunity to support the goals and work of your organizations.
We are investing in you by sponsoring to you a series of learning experiences that will help your organization become more explicit about your business commitments to having high standards for ensuring that all of your employees have the opportunity to thrive, belong and contribute.
One key objective is to begin seeing differently, and then acting differently, to better align our individual behaviors with our collective aspirations.
By participating in the learning experiences, you will be:
•challenged to reassess your mental models and engage in transformative learning experiences.
•Discover innovative social solutions to transform organizational culture
•Generate life-transforming experiences that lead to a deeper understanding of self and others
•Engage in conversations around current realities
•Identify ways to support a healthy workplace environment
SESSION 1 ( 1/hour virtual)
Workplace Culture and Cultural Agility
This experiential learning session will help leaders recognize the importance of cultural agility and the necessary steps for creating a thriving culture for all.
SESSION 2 (1/hour virtual)
Mental Models and Biases
An experiential learning session that engages the participants in learning how the brain functions during times of uncertainty, the conditions that tend to bring out biases and microaggressions and the implications for the workplace.
SESSION 3 (1/hour virtual)
Mental Models and Biases continued
SESSION 4 (4/hours in person)
Equity Innovation Experience
This unique learning component is a partnership with the Science Museum of Minnesota and housed in our Downtown Dayton YMCA at Gaviidae. The multi-station experience serves as a catalyst to engage the mind on equity, diversity, inclusion, and global realities. A variety of learning styles provide opportunities for personal transformation where participants experience life from another’s point of view.